If you are a homeowner or a business in Soho or the W1 postcode of London sometimes you could have any number of property related emergencies. You may urgently require emergency plumbing, an emergency electrical fault identified or have any other property maintenance issues that warrant an emergency response.

Fox Soho Maintenance is uniquely placed to assist you for two main reasons; we have a varied range of emergency services including plumbing, electrical, joinery, building and maintenance. Secondly, there is a good chance we’re local as we’re based in Moor Street just off Old Compton Street near Cambridge Circus.

Unlike others who over elaborate about their ability to ‘be there within an hour’ when West End traffic officially averages 8mph, being based in Soho, we’re probably just around the corner…within walking distance. You’ve benefited from not being charged congestion and parking fees before we even start – not to mention the frustration of waiting time!

We can normally respond on the same day within hours of contact dependent on the emergency and certainly within 24 hours as we are uniquely placed to assist clients in this thriving but sometimes frustrating area to service.

From a burst pipe to an emergency electrical fault we provide a friendly, knowledgeable emergency service. Our rates are transparent and all work is discussed and quoted in advance so you have peace of mind there will be no surprises…after all it’s a small world out there when it comes to reputations these days.